Wednesday 28 October 2015

Paper 1. Renaissance Literature.

Roll No:-29
Topic:-The tragic theology of Dr.Faustus.
M.A sem-1
M.K. Bhavnagar University.
     Dr.Faustus was written as a time of religious conflate and controversy in England Marlowe, trough his work as a government agent was well acquainted with the nature of the conflict. The main anxiety was that after the reformation of the English church under Henry His eldest daughter’s brief return to Catholicism and the consolidation of Protestantism in the long reign of Elizabeth.
   The play is full of references to grace and damnation .Faustus practice of black magic and his pact with Maphistophilis, the agent of God’s enemy Satan condemns him to damonation and eternal punishment in hell. The conflict between good and evil and the God and Devil lies at the heart of the play and the battleground is Faustus soul.
      Faustus ‘s play is tragedy in Christian term because he gives into temptation and is damned to hell .His principal sin in his great pride and ambition which Christian virtue of humility by letting this traits rule his life, Faustus allows his soul to be claimed by Christian cosmologies prince of devils Lucifer. Faustus struggles endlessly against his unknowing, the struggle which indicates nothing but the incompleteness that makes existence tragic.
In marlowe’s play as in his source,the hero’s blasphemous choice of black magic is a splendid beginning his final moments of dread and despair are a powerful conclusion .But between these two plots of spirituals crisis falls on the astonishing adventures in sorcery which can be for more easily talked about sustain the essential drama of the hero’s progress towards damnation.
     The opening scene shows Faustus struggling to know what it cannot will kinds of knowledge .He is acting on a decision he has long considered his mood abruptly shifts on theology and its central teaching “We must die on everlasting death”, followed by a sudden feeling of discouragement .The inevitability of death is not banished with confidence and that’s why he turns to magic.
In this play as in Greek mythology, man’s primal disobedience is a promethean impulse .It is the questioning mind, not unruly passion that threatens the divinely established order for with knowledge enough man .Even aods.
      The very desire to fathom supernal masteries becomes ,in Christian apologetics , a symptom answer to a job is ad hominems in the largest sense what right has man to question, the argument of ‘Paradise Lost’ is similarly ad homonem Milton does not realize the edict against tasting moral knowledge. He insists rather that the edict is one which only the egotistical , undisciplined or self conceited would wish to over step .In fact the limitations seems arbitrary by Satan or make a God of their own appetites.
        In Dr.Faustus he anatomizes the vice, he would be super man who spurns splendid accomplishments because they do not satisfy on ignoble egotism .Faustus practice medicine without compassion for human suffering ,and worse still he would abandon his studies because his fame is already established and the conquest of death eludes him .He  despises the petty quiddities of the law but he is not inspired by a nobler ideal of justice.
      Faustus’s tragic career is more paradoxical because even as his grand illusions fade and his intellectual dissipate in petty shows and sensuality, his moral awareness grows .By strict Christiansen, Faustus may be more innocent at the beginning of the play than at the close to an audience, however he is most arrogant most contemptuous of other men .Most scornful of religion before he falls .His fall is a moral education and discovery during which he is humanized not degraded.
          Faustus claims that his doom was sold by his blasphemous defiance of God. Theology denies his claim on the ground that no trespass has irrevocable consequences and no human act is beyond divine pardon.Yet even theology admits that were irrevocably changed. Knowing good and evil he forfeited the paradise of innocence and entered the world of moral and mortal experience from which only grace might redeem him.
      Grace is grace, say the reprobates Measure for Measure despite all controversy .But grace in Dr.Faustus is problematical because Marlowe would have it so. He could have shown in the last scene a Faustus who  is tormented by the legions and the prospect of hell as he reaches toward a glorious heaven beyond his grasp .Marlowe chose instead to make Lucifer merely a spectator to the final agony of his victim, who shrinks more from the wrath  God than from the terror of hell .Mephistopheles may define hell as the absence of God, but Faustus finds the presence of God unbearable because he sees not the loving father but the wrathful Jehovah who cast the rebellious angels down to hell.
        In Dr.Faustus his quarrel with Christianity continues .The church is still for him a place of superstitious of the divine is the universe itself in which God’s apollonian creativity is manifest. Marlowe could imagine his heroic creator exacting a fearful sacrifice as the prince of man’s pardon .But he could not imagine nor does he imply in Dr.Faustus that is supreme and universal power ever assumed man’s inferior shape weakness and morality.
      Marlowe shows Renaissance spirit ideas in his Dr.Faustus. His enthusiasm liberty and trust of knowledge are also representation of contemporary era. Dr.Faustus is though Christian play, but it represents Marlowe’s atheism towards Christianity and its beliefs. Robert Ornstein also presents it very beautifully and philosophically in his essay to convince us easily. Dr.Faustus as cosmic tragedy, it is necessary to relate its particular view of Man and God to other works of Marlowe and to the athletic doctrines attributed to him by his contemporaries.
           Dr.Faustus as an orthodox homily is tragic grandeur and metaphysical terror to view it however as  Marlowe’s ultimate religious and cosmological statement as his turning upon his ideal of transcendence is to grasp the full meaning of Faustus despair and to grasp also the final congruence of Marlowe’s art and life.
             “Bell, Book and candle” as a parody of Catholicism. is also one of Faustus’s own condition of being caught in endless loop of his thoughts. His interactions with the devils re-enacts pattern of avoidance that Luther call the fundamental condition of morality. The pact is an emblem of human state either coming from studies of divinity or concourse with devils.

             Thus, Dr.Faustus has element of Christian morality. It creates some question in our mind about Christian superstitions and Marlowe’s intentions. But Dr.Faustus can truly present Marlowe’s atheism nihilism and internal struggle of Christian and its God. And also it take place in an explicitly Christian cosmos God sides on high as the judge of world and every soul goes either to hell or to heaven.

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