Wednesday 6 April 2016

Victor a true villain in Frankenstein.

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Name: Pandya Riva M
RollNo: 25
Paper: 5
Topic: Victor a true villain in Frankenstein.

                      The novel “Frankenstein” gives a lot of scenarios that could portray a person to think differently on who the real victim is in the story. Many think that Victor is the victim because he loses all that he owns. Others may think that the monster is the victim, because victor betrays and abandons him leaving him to be lost in a world that wasn’t ready for him. In my thoughts it is Victor that is the victim, but not victim to the monster but to himself. Victor play roulette with his work and letting it get too close to his outer life in society. He lets himself become too attach to his work causing him to under think his real life choices. There for because of these un-thought through choices they come back around to hit him in the rear.

                          Part of what makes Victor Frankenstein his own victim is that he would become too obsessed with his work, let it control his life. Victor abandons his family and father in there time of need letting his work get the best of him. Because of this Victor loses his way taking his experiments to levels of unorthodox that the world was not yet ready for. Partly why the university in the story discontinued there support and didn’t want him introducing his studies and ethics to the school and public. He let his work basically drive him mad.  It was that insanity that had fueled his obsession to dive deeper and darker into the place no one dared venture.

                        Victor had gone down a dark path and with that path came clouded decisions. After letting his work and studies cloud his mind he delve into his work even deeper. Because of this he went to extent that wouldn’t be accepted by the public. After the university discontinued their support in Victor’s studies he went to places un-thought of for his supplies and specimens. He would go to graves other the recently desist to dig up their corps for the body parts he would need for his deranged experiments. His devotion to his experiment became too attach and when his mind found clarity, too much damage too had been done.  

                             The real villain of Frankenstein isn't the creature, but rather his creator, Victor. At first glance, the monster in Frankenstein is a symbol of evil, whose only desire is to ruin lives. He has been called "A creature that wreaks havoc by destroying innocent lives often without remorse. He can be viewed as the antagonist, the element Victor must overcome to restore balance and tranquility to the world." But after the novel is looked at on different levels, one becomes aware that the creature wasn't responsible for his actions, and was just a victim of circumstance.

                           Dr.Frankenstein originates from the 1818 novel, Frankenstein, by Mary Shelly. Victor’s full name is Victor Von Frankenstein, and he is a tragic character who started out as a medical student trying to achieve necromancy. He illegally dug up bodies and sewed them together to make a living creature that would later become known as the Frankenstein Monster.

                            Victor wanted his creation to be beautiful, immortal, and super human. Immortal and superhuman? Yes, Beautiful? No. The creature was so hideous, that Dr. Frankenstein fled the lab in horror. The monster was gone the next day, but the unhinged doctor started seeing him everywhere.

                    Victor's fears were confirmed when his younger brother, William Frankenstein, was found dead. On that same night, he saw an evil looking silhouette in a storm. Victor knew that the monster had done it, even when his servant Justine was found with William's locket.

                         If Victor truly cared for Justine, he did nothing to defend her when she was trialed and hanged (though what could he have done?). Dr. Frankenstein set out to the Alps to find the monster and take his revenge on him. When he found the monster, he berated it with empty threats, and cursed it for its evil.

                               The monster took Victor to his hut and told him about what happened to him after he abandoned him, of how he had been hated and shunned mankind. He had lost his mind and set out for revenge against Dr. Frankenstein for creating and abandoned him. He had killed William on finding out that he was a Frankenstein, and framed Justine for the murder. He told Victor that he had reformed, and that all he wanted in life a companion. The monster told Victor that as his father, he owed him some happiness, and promised that if he made him a bride, he would leave human kind alone forever. Victor agreed to do this only for the sake of his fellow man.

                                      Victor did the same thing he did before, and created a female version of the monster. But when he saw the monster watching through window, and thought of giving the monster happiness after what he had done to him, the despicable doctor went into a rage and destroyed the lifeless bride.

                                        He regretted this treachery on his wedding night, when the monster killed his best friend Henry, and his new wife Elizabeth. Victor went insane, and had to be locked up for a while. When he was released, he chased the monster all the way to the Arctic, where he was picked up by a ship.
                                     He told the captain the tale of him and the monster. Victor was in a weakened condition, and when called the captain to talk to him, it would be the last conversation he ever had. He said he no longer hated the monster he created. He now knew that he had failed it, so Victor was responsible for the acts of evil it committed. But he told the captain that it had to be destroyed, and that he, the captain, had to be the one to do it. Dr. Frankenstein then died of exhaustion.

                       As a romantic novel Victor is responsible, because he abandoned his creation. As an archetype novel, Victor is the villain, because he was trying to play god. Finally, Victor as a Gothic novel, Victor is at fault, because, he and the creature are two different parts of the same person. If Frankenstein is looked at as a romantic novel, Victor, not the creature, is truly the villain. When Victor created the creature, he didn't take responsibility for it. He abandoned it, and left it to fend for itself.


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