Monday 3 April 2017

Different types of Media

Name: Pandya Riva
Roll no: 23
Paper: Mass Communication and Media studies
Topic: Different types of Media

The term news media refers to the groups that communicate information and news to people. Most Americans get their information about government from the news media because it would be impossible to gather all the news themselves. Media outlets have responded to the increasing reliance of Americans on television and the Internet by making the news even more readily available to people. There are various types of media for advertising.

Radio advertising is very popular these days. The advertisements are broadcasted from different stations of All India Radio. Radio advertising can be explained as “word of mouth advertising on a wholesale scale”. The advertising messages can be in different regional languages.
The most important advantage derived from radio advertising is that it covers every type of listener whether illiterate or educated. It is a very effective medium for popularizing on mass scale various consumer articles. The coverage of this medium is wider extending to a large number of listeners. It ensures quicker repetition.
Radio advertising suffers from shorter life, limited memory and short messages. Cost of advertising is higher. The message may not be heard properly by the listener. There is no secrecy. This is useful for those who possess radio sets. There is lesser flexibility and lack of personal touch.
  Television advertising offers the benefit of reaching large numbers in a single exposure. Yet because it is a mass medium capable of being seen by nearly anyone, television lacks the ability to deliver an advertisement to highly targeted customers compared to other media outlets. Television networks are attempting to improve their targeting efforts. In particular, networks operating in the pay-to-access arena, such as those with channels on cable and satellite television, are introducing more narrowly themed programming designed to appeal to selective audiences. However, television remains an option that is best for products that targeted to a broad market.

This is the latest and the fast developing medium of advertising and is getting increased popularity these days. It is more effective as compared to radio as it has the advantages of sound and sight. On account of pictorial presentation, it is more effective and impressive and leaves ever lasting impression on the mind of the viewer.
It is a very costly medium which can be employed by big concerns only; it has a shorter life span and limited coverage. Back reference to the advertisement cannot be made after its presentation. The duration of the advertisement is very limited.
Despite of the above mentioned drawbacks, this method of advertising is gaining rapid coverage and immense popularity among the masses.
This is also known as cinema advertising. This also provides sight and hearing facilities like television. Short advertisement films are not prepared by big business houses which are sent to different cinema houses to be shown to the audience before the regular shows or during the intermission. It has more repetitive value but not to the same viewers. Its coverage is limited which benefits the local population only.
It is a very costly medium involving higher distribution and film making costs. Only big organizations can afford to produce advertisement films. It ensures more flexibility at larger costs. Its effectiveness cannot be measured properly. Film making is a time consuming process.

Print Media
The oldest media forms are newspapers, magazines, journals, newsletters, and other printed material. These publications are collectively known as the print media. Although print media readership has declined in the last few decades, many Americans still read a newspaper every day or a newsmagazine on a regular basis. The influence of print media is therefore significant. Regular readers of print media tend to be more likely to be politically active.
The print media is responsible for more reporting than other news sources. Many news reports on television, for example, are merely follow-up stories about news that first appeared in newspapers. The top American newspapers, such as the New York Times, the Washington Post, and the Los Angeles Times, often set the agenda for many other media sources.

 Newspapers and Magazines:
These are the important forms of press advertising, newspapers are the most effective and powerful medium of advertising. Newspapers contain valuable information with regard to different current events. It may be referred to as ‘a store house of information’. There are daily and weekly newspapers. Newspapers have widest circulation and read by many people. The newspapers may be local, provincial or national.
There is a separate advertisement department in every newspaper which classifies and designs different advertisements in the paper. Before selecting a newspaper the advertiser should take into consideration various factors viz., coverage of the newspaper, the class of customers and the cost of advertising etc.
Newspapers have been dominating the local markets since its very inception particularly though its classified advertisements. They offer flexibility to the readers and provide added support in promotion as well as research related function relating to a product or service. Magazines are broadly categorized into consumer magazines and business magazines which may be further subdivided into monthly and weekly publications. They also offer wide reach to the masses. The fashion industry mostly uses this form of media to promote their garments and cosmetics and other accessories
The Internet
The Internet is slowly transforming the news media because more Americans are relying on online sources of news instead of traditional print and broadcast media. Americans surf the sites of more traditional media outlets, such as NBC and CNN, but also turn to unique online news sources such as weblogs. Websites can provide text, audio, and video information, all of the ways traditional media are transmitted. The web also allows for a more interactive approach by allowing people to personally tailor the news they receive via personalized web portals, newsgroups, podcasts, and RSS feeds.
Weblogs known colloquially as blogs have become very influential since the start of the twenty-first century. Leading bloggers write their opinions on a variety of issues, and thousands of people respond on message boards. Although many blogs are highly partisan and inaccurate, a few have been instrumental in breaking big stories.
   So these are some important tools and also useful people or viewers can easily get any information or news with the help of media so it is also useful for communication , even it is also important for advertising because it is the best way for it.


  1. Mình đã tìm thấy các thông tin cần thiết ở đây, cảm ơn bạn. Mình cũng muốn giới thiệu về một Công ty dịch thuật uy tín - Công ty cổ phần dịch thuật miền trung - MIDtrans có văn phòng chính tại địa chỉ 02 Hoàng Diệu, TP Đồng Hới, tỉnh Quảng Bình có Giấy phép kinh doanh số 3101023866 cấp ngày 9/12/2016 là đơn vị chuyên cung cấp dịch vụ dịch thuật, phiên dịch dành các cá nhân. Hệ thống thương hiệu và các Công ty dịch thuật con trực thuộc: trung tâm dịch thuật sài gòn 247 địa chỉ 47 Điện Biên Phủ, Phường Đakao, Quận 1 TP HCM, dịch thuật phan thiết, bình thuận : địa chỉ 100 , Lê lợi, TX Phan Thiết là nhà cung ứng dịch vụ dịch thuật uy tín hàng đầu tại Bình Thuận vietnamese translate : dịch vụ dịch thuật cho người nước ngoài có nhu cầu, giao diện tiếng Anh dễ sử dụng; dịch thuật công chứng quận 12 (mười hai) : nhà cung ứng dịch vụ dịch vụ dịch thuật phiên dịch hàng đầu tại Quận 12 (mười hai), TP HCM; dịch thuật đà nẵng midtrans : Địa chỉ 54 Đinh Tiên Hoàng, Quận Hải Châu, TP Đà Nẵng chuyên cung cấp dịch vụ dịch thuật công chứng, dịch thuật chuyên ngành tại Đà Nẵng; dịch thuật hà nội midtrans : địa chỉ 101 Láng Hạ, Đống Đa, Hà Nội là nhà cung ứng dịch vụ biên dịch, phiên dịch chuyên nghiệp tại địa bàn Hà Nội. Chúng tôi chuyên cung cấp các dịch vụ biên dịch và phiên dịch, dịch thuật công chứng chất lượng cao hơn 50 ngôn ngữ khác nhau như tiếng Anh, Nhật, Hàn, Trung, Pháp, Đức, Nga, Tây Ban Nha, Bồ Đào Nha, Ý, Ba Lan, Phần Lan, Thái Lan, Hà Lan, Rumani, Lào, Campuchia, Philippin, Indonesia, La Tinh, Thụy Điển, Malaysia, Thổ Nhĩ Kỳ..vv... Dịch thuật MIDtrans tự hào với đội ngũ lãnh đạo với niềm đam mê, khát khao vươn tầm cao trong lĩnh vực dịch thuật, đội ngũ nhân sự cống hiến và luôn sẵn sàng cháy hết mình. Chúng tôi phục vụ từ sự tậm tâm và cố gắng từ trái tim những người dịch giả.Tự hào là công ty cung cấp dịch thuật chuyên ngành hàng đầu với các đối tác lớn tại Việt nam trong các chuyên ngành hẹp như: y dược (bao gồm bệnh lý), xây dựng (kiến trúc), hóa chất, thủy nhiệt điện, ngân hàng, tài chính, kế toán. Các dự án đã triển khai của Công ty dịch thuật chuyên nghiệp MIDtrans đều được Khách hàng đánh giá cao và đạt được sự tín nhiệm về chất lượng biên phiên dịch đặc biệt đối với dịch hồ sơ thầu , dịch thuật tài liệu tài chính ngân hàng, dịch thuật tài liệu y khoa đa ngữ chuyên sâu. Đó là kết quả của một hệ thống quản lý chất lượng dịch thuật chuyên nghiệp, những tâm huyết và kinh nghiệm biên phiên dịch nhiều năm của đội ngũ dịch giả của chúng tôi. Hotline: 0947688883. email: . Các bạn ghé thăm site ủng hộ nhé. Cám ơn nhiều

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