Thursday 24 November 2016

Symbolism in Scarlett Letter

To evaluate my assignment

Name – Pandya Riva m
Roll no -23
Paper – 10
Topic :-  Symbolism in Scarlett Letter
Year :- 2015-2017
Submitted to :- M.K Bhavnagar university, Department of English

Nathaniel Hawthorne is one of the most prolific symbolists in American literature .He has a perfect atmosphere for the symbols in The Scarlett letter because the puritans saw the world through allegory.  for them simple patterns like meteor , streaking through the sky became religious or moral interpretations for human events. He represents various symbols in this novel and all symbols are important to understand the novel.

Ø Symbolism in Scarlett letter:

§  The Scarlet Letter "A"
The Scarlett letter is meant to be a symbol of shame, but instead it becomes a powerful symbol of identify to Hester. And also symbolizes her adultery.It  symbolizes  Hester's sin and shame.The letter 'A' is sewn into her clothing,she wears it on her chest and  literally marking her as an adulterer.The letter's meaning shifts as time passes.originally intended to mark Hester as an adulterer,the "A" eventually comes to  stand for Able. For Dimmesdale and Hester, the scarlet letter stands for agony, which Hester displays in her isolated life and which Dimmesdale displays in his deteriorating health. By the end of the novel, the townspeople think that Hester's scarlet "A" stands for Ability, for she has become a generous helper for the poor and downtrodden and a wise counselor for their problems She takes ownership of that letter, which makes it sort of a cool symbol for her identity. She's a marked woman, but she's not going to take the punishment lying down.
The gesture of Dimmesdale's placing his hand over his heart is also symbolic. It is the minister's attempt to cover his mark of sinfulness and prevent his exposure. It also suggests his nervous condition and reflects his grieved state.
§  Pearl
Pearl is Hester's daughter, as well as a symbol for sin and redemption. There's a duality in Pearl's existence, as she's a living reminder and symbol for Hester's adultery, her sin.she represents not only sin but also the vital spirit and passion that engendered that sin. she also represents Hester's blessing or hope of redemption .  As the novel progresses and Pearl matures she symbolizes the deteriation of Hester's like by constantly asking her about the scarlet letter "A". Pearl in a sense wants her mother to live up to her sin and, she achieves this by constantly asking her about the scarlet letter. Another peice of evidence that shows how Pearl symbolizes the sin Hester has committed, is when the town government wants to take Pearl away from her Revrend Dimmsdale convinces the government that Pearl is a living reminder of her sin. This is essentialy true, Hester without Pearl is like having Hester without sin.
thus pearls existence gives her mother reason to live ,bolstering her spirits when she is tempted to give up.It is only after Dimmesdale is revealed to be pearl's father that pearl can become fully human.until then she functions in a capacity as the reminder of an unsolved mystery.
§  The Scaffold
The scaffold is a symbol of penitence and God's platform on the Day of Judgment. It is a reflection of appearing before the Almighty in one's weakness. Because of the comparison, Dimmesdale has great difficulty in standing on the platform and confessing his sins. He first does it under the cover of darkness for no one to see him, as if he were trying to hide from God himself. In the end, however, he bravely stands on the scaffold and confesses his sin in the light of day and before a crowd of people. The confession finally gives him a sense of peace.

§  The Prison

 It  is made out of wooden and reflects the harsh weather conditions with stains on it and subsequently attention shifts to the prison door.
The prison, presented in the opening chapter of the novel, is a symbol of isolation and alienation, foreshadowing the life that Hester will lead even after she leaves its confines. While Hester lives in the prison of alienation, Dimmesdale lives in the prison of his unconfessed guilt, and Chillingworth is imprisoned by his vengeance. Pearl, alone, remains free.So the prison door symbolizes the oldest heritage sinfulness of humanity and how it is a steady legacy from the ancient times.The prison symbolizes a black stain of society on the civilization
§  The Rose Bush
The narrator choose to begin his story with the image of the rosebush beside the prison door.It symbolizes the nature to endure and outlast man's activities.It also represents the futility of symbolic interpretation the narrator mentions various insignificances that the rosebush might have never affirming or denying them never privileging one over the others.
The rose bush growing across from the prison respresents a constant reminder of salvation and hope to all the prisoners. Later in the book Pearl states that she was plucked from the rosebush and was born. This symbolizes that Pearl is the key to not only Hester's salvation, but to Dimmesdale and indirectly to Chillingsworth. Pearl was born into a world of sin and for her to be saved, everyone must find their salvation through her. It represents a light in the darkness of Hester's sin.
§  The Meteor
As Dimmesdale stands on the scaffold with Hester and pearl ,a meteor traces out an "A" in the night sky.To Dimmesdale the meteor implies that he should wear a mark of shame just as Hester does. The meteor is interpreted differently by the rest of the community which thinks that it stands for "Angel" and marks Governor winthrop's entry into heaven .But Angel is an awkward reading of the symbol .The puritans commonly looked to symbols to confirm divine sentiments . In this narrative symbols are taken to mean what the beholder wants them to mean .The incident with the meteor obviously highlights and exemplifies two different uses of symbols puritan and literary.
§  The Forest
The forest is symbolic of Nature, both in its darker and lighter aspects. When the rays of sunshine fall on Pearl but do not reach Hester, they symbolize her inability to find happiness or warmth. The pervading darkness is suggestive of the dull gloom in her life. That darkness is dispelled when she meets with Dimmesdale and plans to flee from Boston with him. As a symbol of her freedom, she throws away the scarlet letter and undoes her hair. Appropriately, a flood of sunshine illuminates the forest, dispelling the darkness.
§  Colors
Hawthorne also gives symbolic meanings to the colors that he employs in the novel. The dark, sober, sable garments that Hester wears represent her dull and gloomy life filled with grief, guilt, and sorrow.
 The color of the letter carries special significance. It is red because that is the color associated with the devil, and the Puritans believed that Hester's sin was a mark of Satan.while black tends to signify hidden sins or the things that society doesn't want to face.
Since Dimmesdale's sin is hidden while Hester's sin is visible to the entire community, he is frequently embodied by blackness. He is burdened by 'the black secret of his soul' .
At one point, Hester talks with Chillingworth and refers to him as 'the Black man that haunts the forest'Here, the black man does not only refer to Chillingworth, but also Satan.Ironically, the innocent Pearl fashions a letter "A" to wear herself, but she makes it out of seaweed that is bright green, the color of life itself. Black is also used in the novel. Mistress Hibbins practices black magic throughout the book, and many suspect Chillingworth of doing the same.
Nature also plays a vital role in Scarlett letter.Every chapter in The Scarlet Letter has symbols displayed through characterization, setting, colors, and light. Hawthorne's ability to introduce these symbols and change them through the context of his story is but one of the reasons The Scarlet Letter is considered his masterpiece and a peerless example of the romance novel.

To evaluate my assignment

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