Thursday 24 November 2016

Critique on the three chapters of Black skin white mask

To evaluate my assignment

Name Pandya Riva m
Roll no -23
Paper 11
Topic :-  Critique on the three chapters of Black skin white mask:
Year :- 2015-2017
Submitted to :- M.K Bhavnagar university, Department of English

Critique on the three chapters of Black skin white mask:

Frantz Fanon was a french philosopher revolutionary and author.He wrote his first book Black skin white mask an analysis of the negative psychological effect of colonial subjugation upon black people.It is published in 1952.
This book is about the mindset or psychology of racism by frank fanon a psychiatrists. The book looks at the condition which goes through the minds of black and white people. A distinguished French Caribbean African psychiatrist and writer negritude group but soon rejected their philosophy and developed his own theory of racial and colonial theory.
This book is divided in eight chapters. Fanon talks about psychology of white colonizers and black peoples desire to be like white men. The black people want to be white. They suffer a lot and being white they want to be superior . Black people also known as Negro.The white people hate the black people.  He also talks about issue of language, marriage between white and black and psychology behind it, white mindset of ruling, blacks inequality and struggle for human existence. He explains his all the arguments of psychology with real examples of his surrounding.
Lets see first three chapters of the book Black skin white mask,
1)The Negro and Language :
Language construct the idea of civilized or uncivilized.This chapter deals with the language of white people. It shows that language of White people is in power position and Language of Black people has lesser importance.  In this chapter the author discusses that if a black person does not learn the white mans language perfectly, he is unintelligent yet if he does learn it perfectly, he has washed his brain in the world of racial ideology.  So, Black people have to learn the language of White people.
The white man always considers black man fully unhuman. There is no matter how much education they have or well they act. White people, feels fear of the black people as they viewed the black as mindless, violent or animal. White man thinks that they will take white women from them. Fanon says that he has only one duty and one right; he has a right to demand human behavior from the other. He has a duty that he never lets his decision renounce his freedom. Fanon cannot accept the fact that ever possible in France between white and black. Fanon is talking about behavior he says they have to need to be free from that obsession being black in the mental condition.
2)The woman of colour and the white man:
The second chapter is about the psychology behind the marriage between white men and black women . In this chapter Fanon talks about internalize racism.
According to Fanon, the acts of love and admiration are directly tied to who and what we value. And he gave reasons that why women of colour go after white men, putting down men of their own colour!
Fanon says,
Authentic love entails the mobilization of psychic drives basically freed of unconscious conflicts.
In other words, he cannot seek to love unless he has rid himself, in this case, of his inferiority complex. Fanon explains that, these black women do not truly love white men but they just love their colour. They marry with them to deal with their own hang-ups about race. And it is because the black woman feels inferior.
The black woman wants to marry with white people because she wants to be white or superior. She thinks being a black woman she is inferior or she wants to be white because of white mans skin, looks up to white people and looks down on black people. The vision and dream of black woman is towards the white to achieve forbidden values of being white.
Here Fanon takes as his examples three women: Mayotte of Martinique and Nini and Dedee of Senegal. Mayotte who wrote a book about her life and Nini and Dedee are characters from Nini a story by Abdoulaye Sadji. They are part white which makes them determined not to slip back among the nigger rabble. The character Nini is a silly typist. A man who is and accountant with the waterways company, proposes marriage but in the end they have the police tell him to stop his morbid insanities because he is black and she is half white. He has offended her honor. Meanwhile another man with a good government job proposes to Dedee but this time it is a dream come true because he is white. Mayotte was entering the white world but a white man cannot make you white. Mayotte, the third woman, had an affair with a married
  This black woman does not truly love this white man but she loves his color. She goes with him not out of love but to deal with her own emotional problems about race. It is because the black woman feels inferior that she hopes to obtain admittance to the white world.
3)The man of color and the white woman:
 Fanon is a black psychiatrist from Martinique. He starts this chapter by saying of himself: I want to be recognized not as Black but as White. By loving me she proves to me that I am worthy of a white love. I am loved like a white man. I am a white man. Here Fanon gives the example of Jean Veneuse, the hero of an autobiographical novel by Rene Maran. Jean Veneuse came to France from the Caribbean when he was three or four. He lost his parents. He was brought up by boarding schools in France, the only black student in a sea of white. He has a lonely childhood. When the other students go home for the holidays, he is left alone at school. He grows up French and falls in love with a white woman. He wonders about his motives. May be it is simply because he was brought up European and so desires European women just like any other man in Europe. When he works in Africa as a civil servant he proves to be just as bad as the whites. May be it is not revenge that he wants but to separate himself from his race or even some how to become race less. 
 But here Fanon says that Veneuses troubles run much deeper. He was left alone in the world by his mother as a small boy. He is hung up on that. So he is afraid to love and be loved. He holds everyone at arms length, even the woman he wants to marry. Therefore we cannot take any general conclusions from Veneuses case.   

Every black man and mulatto have only one thought to be like white to gratify their appetite for white woman, to marry white woman. They started denying their culture and woman and marry white girl, less for love than satisfying their ego and here we can see in these chapters that black people wants to be a white or wants to be superior like white people,but white people believes that they are evil or terrorist because their skin is black so how black people identify by their skin or here fanon talks about white colonizers and the desire of black people.

To evaluate my assignment

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